Wednesday 20 March 2013

Office Space to Motivate

The power of your office space cannot be underestimated. The office environment is a very important factor contributing to output; remember a happy workforce in a productive workforce!

The best offices are the ones that are able to keep workforce's motivated, inspired and applied, on the other hand a dull and drab office environment has the power to stifle your workforce, making them resent their jobs resulting in low job satisfaction and low productivity.  

It is critical to promote an environment of freedom and creativity in our modern day environment which is rich in stimulants. Google provides the perfect example with their campus style Mountain View headquarters in California, they attract only the best fresh young talent and perhaps one of the reasons for this is that they have been successful in creating a conducive office environment.

Tips to create a motivational office space:

·         Colour: Forget dull drab office spaces, create a colourful office to brighten up the place and make things more cheerful and stimulating.

·         Personal Touch: Let employees make their own mark; bring in photos, and other personal items, let them be comfortable to be creative. Everyone is different so encourage people to do what they need to do to get the best out of them.

·         Space: Workers need space to feel free to experiment, to get creative and to be organised.

Zoning: Let people chat, bring different people together that wouldn't usually be able to. Create energy to let people talk and create a buzz about the place to rally morale.

·         Light: Allow natural light to flood your office or create interesting and effective lighting solutions.

If you are considering an office relocation to motivate and stimulate your workforce then get in contact with Edward Baden relocations today, we provide expert advice in every aspect office relocations including IT relocation and Public Sector relocations

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